I have the next sub in a Visual Basic program for InDesign CS, but I do not know hot to use the "dGoToZoomOptions.idFitWindow" property. Is there anybody who can help me?
Private Sub pageminusbutton_Click()
' This button is to go to the previous page
' and to update the namebox that indicates
' the current page
Set myindesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application.CS")
Set mydoc = myindesign.ActiveDocument
Set currentpage = myindesign.ActiveWindow.ActivePage
numpag = currentpage.DocumentOffset
myindesign.ActiveWindow.ActivePage = mydoc.Pages.Item(numpag - 1)
Set currentpage = myindesign.ActiveWindow.ActivePage
namebox.Text = currentpage.Name
'myindesign.WindowState = idGoToZoomOptions.idFitWindow
'this last line is not correct
End Sub