I am a very very new user of the "useful" software crystal Reports, and I am also new here.
But I am wondering if you can tell me :
How to use cross tab rows in formula ?
Each time that I try one formula, it is written "Field Unknown" or when there is no error, in is not the good field...
In fact, I have one cross tab on a report where there are for each page the daily worked hours for one employee in each project, like this :
Employee: Dupond Gerard
Project code Number
Worked Date P1 P2 P3 P4 ....Total
28 Nov, Sunday 1 4 4 9
29 Nov, Monday 9 9
30 Nov, Tuesday 6 1 7
01 Dec, Wednesday 2 1 4 7
04 Dec, Saturday 4 5 9
Total 3 11 9 18 41
And now I want to HighLight all Saturdays and I want after the cross tab to know how many days are shown there, like this :
There Are 30 Worked Days (for this employee in this period)
Thank you by advance and ...A happy new year !