I am newbee when comes scripting in VB. I have a file which needs to be updated with folder name using wordpad each time before a batch file is run.
Folder names are provided in text file.
file to be updated ( test.osj)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<ICArchiver job="test">
<creation date="2008-07-29" time="14:57:34" user="nm31453adm"/>
<last-modification date="2008-07-31" time="15:36:43" user="nm31453adm"/>
<archive type="Tivoli Storage Manager">
<source-files backup-before-migrate="true">
<directory action="replace" location="\\CBDSAPPOSM01\E$\Tivoli\20080721" recurse="true"/>
<include age="0.01:00:00" type="creation-older-than"></include>
text file which has folder names
batch file to be run
"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\hsmclient\dsmclc.exe" "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\hsmclient\jobs\test.osj" >> "D:\hsm_logs\hsm_sched.log"
I needs to update following line
<directory action="replace" location="\\CBDSAPPOSM01\E$\Tivoli\20080721" recurse="true"/>
with folder names from list then run batch file once done then go back and update with next folder name and run same batch file again till all folders ran.
I would appreciate if any body can help on this.
Thank you.
I am newbee when comes scripting in VB. I have a file which needs to be updated with folder name using wordpad each time before a batch file is run.
Folder names are provided in text file.
file to be updated ( test.osj)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<ICArchiver job="test">
<creation date="2008-07-29" time="14:57:34" user="nm31453adm"/>
<last-modification date="2008-07-31" time="15:36:43" user="nm31453adm"/>
<archive type="Tivoli Storage Manager">
<source-files backup-before-migrate="true">
<directory action="replace" location="\\CBDSAPPOSM01\E$\Tivoli\20080721" recurse="true"/>
<include age="0.01:00:00" type="creation-older-than"></include>
text file which has folder names
batch file to be run
"C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\hsmclient\dsmclc.exe" "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\hsmclient\jobs\test.osj" >> "D:\hsm_logs\hsm_sched.log"
I needs to update following line
<directory action="replace" location="\\CBDSAPPOSM01\E$\Tivoli\20080721" recurse="true"/>
with folder names from list then run batch file once done then go back and update with next folder name and run same batch file again till all folders ran.
I would appreciate if any body can help on this.
Thank you.