I have an OLD AT+T Unix machine running System 5 Release 4 OS. We had some disk problems that knocked out the Oracle database. After the reboot to straighten out the disks, the last backup file (200MB) was missing - deleted by fsck. There has been no new disk activity on that device, so I know there has been no overwriting. I ran a dd if=/dev/dsk/### of=recover.dsk. In the recover.dsk file I can see pieces of the backup file. I hope all that needs to be done is reconnect the beginning inode to a live file name.
But I haven't found on what to edit and what to connect where.
Does anyone have an advice or links to businesses that do this. I saw a company that specializes in doing recovery for AIX but not for S5R4 Unix.
Thanks for helping.
But I haven't found on what to edit and what to connect where.
Does anyone have an advice or links to businesses that do this. I saw a company that specializes in doing recovery for AIX but not for S5R4 Unix.
Thanks for helping.