I am using the EDI manager to upload external vouchers and the vouchers keep getting placed in a "recycle" status for the same error over and over which isn't really an error. The error reads "TSE Prompt table edit; value not found in prompt table." for SUT_BASE_ID. There is no place to set up SUT_BASE_ID in the system. The prompt for this field is the SHIPTO_TBL. The default value in the record exists actively in the SHIPTO_TBL. So if you use Selective Line Update to view the errors, fetch the line (which has to be fetched using "Select Lines in Error" AND "Select Lines not in Error" because just the "Select Lines in Error" does not return any rows), and save, the voucher is then in postable status. So I said all that to say this...
How do I turn on the trace for COBOL SQL programs so I can see what is being fetched and when so that I can narrow down why the program thinks this is an error? I looked for logs on the server...none are produced for this type of COBOL process apparently. I looked at the Message Log for the process instance...very vague. So please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
How do I turn on the trace for COBOL SQL programs so I can see what is being fetched and when so that I can narrow down why the program thinks this is an error? I looked for logs on the server...none are produced for this type of COBOL process apparently. I looked at the Message Log for the process instance...very vague. So please, any help would be greatly appreciated.