Well, your server NIC needs to be able to support VLAN tags and you need to configure the interface on the switch side as a trunk as well. You define the VLANs on the switch and by default they will all be enabled and forwarding on the trunk. Do you need specific commands to enable this on the switch side?
they did go throw trunk line to server or all the way
part of a trunk for just serton vlan
they did go throw vlan on a manige switch and irs router so I "think" I have the vlan for switch and router
and set the vlan on a port to a moral client
I know if I have a server and I using like iSAS I problim what the SAN to have it on vlan
if i can vlan trunk to server I then can have fall over link and not have to have a nic for vLAN, san lan printer and if the vIP box and vIP controler is on the server liss nic and just trunk the right vLAN to the server
where or how to look for vLAN NIC card and drive/software for servers
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