May I know is there anyway in Perl I can truncate left of my string.
For example, I'll always have these kind of input:
1. /product/fund/include/aaa.cfm
2. /aboutus/include/bbb.cfm
3. /tool/char/include/ccc.cfm
What i wish to do is always TRUNCATE the left of the input, and remain the string start fr include/*.cfm. Fr the example above, the final result will be
1. include/aaa.cfm
2. include/bbb.cfm
3. include/ccc.cfm
Need your help urgently. Many thanks.
May I know is there anyway in Perl I can truncate left of my string.
For example, I'll always have these kind of input:
1. /product/fund/include/aaa.cfm
2. /aboutus/include/bbb.cfm
3. /tool/char/include/ccc.cfm
What i wish to do is always TRUNCATE the left of the input, and remain the string start fr include/*.cfm. Fr the example above, the final result will be
1. include/aaa.cfm
2. include/bbb.cfm
3. include/ccc.cfm
Need your help urgently. Many thanks.