The program I have been working on generates the following invalid page fault error when in the Builder 5 IDE. Program runs fine on my machine outside the IDE, but produces invalid page fault on some other machines. Error occurs after all forms have been created and after FormActivate for the Main form completes so I have not been able to trace it. I have tried using the Thread and CPU debug window, but can not determine where the problem is. Any suggestions on how to track it down would be appreciated. Thanks for the help!
ARRAYPAT caused an invalid page fault in
module VCL50.BPL at 018f:400089d1.
EAX=4000b728 CS=018f EIP=400089d1 EFLGS=00010287
EBX=4000b728 SS=0197 ESP=0056fde4 EBP=00570374
ECX=00000001 DS=0197 ESI=00570370 FS=4f8f
EDX=00570370 ES=0197 EDI=00570474 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
68 00 04 00 00 8d 44 24 04 50 8b 43 04 50 8b 03
Stack dump:
ARRAYPAT caused an invalid page fault in
module VCL50.BPL at 018f:400089d1.
EAX=4000b728 CS=018f EIP=400089d1 EFLGS=00010287
EBX=4000b728 SS=0197 ESP=0056fde4 EBP=00570374
ECX=00000001 DS=0197 ESI=00570370 FS=4f8f
EDX=00570370 ES=0197 EDI=00570474 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
68 00 04 00 00 8d 44 24 04 50 8b 43 04 50 8b 03
Stack dump: