I have an image which I would like to trace the outline of, but when I look on the Web I have the impression I need a plug-in. Is that right? If not, are there any useful tutorials out there to help me learn.
The way I do my traces is with the Pen tool. If you use the pen tool, make sure you are using the path settings. Then draw with the pen tool. Once your done with your shape, right click and hit make selection. DOnt know if thats what you wanted or not. There is a tut i found that i think u might like:
I usually create a new transparent (or opaque depending on what Im doing) layer, and use the paintbrush. If you shift and click a straight line is drawn between the last point your click and your current point. To get curves, just zoom in and do it in small steps. Not the most elegant solution, but it works for what I do.
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