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How to test if parameter select query has returnd records?

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Aug 22, 2003
The query is rather big so I would like to keep it in the query designpane instead of building it up in VBA. SoI have a existing query with parameters and I need to test in VBA (pref. ADO) if it has any records. Seems simple, but I don't know how to solve this. Anyone with ideas?


Open a recordset based on that query and check for .EOF & .BOF property of the rscordset. When both true there is nothing there....
Jerry, thanks, but I know how to test. The problem is that I get an eror because it is a parameter query.

The error is
-2147217900 Er is een ongeldige SQL-instructie gevonden. DELETE, INSERT, PROCEDURE, SELECT of UPDATE werd verwacht.
(This roughly translates to "not valid sql instruction expected DELETE etc.")

It's a bit hard giving suggestions on specific methods with this lack of information/code.

You will need to resolve the parameters, and probably also specify the correct commandtypeenum (adCmdStoredProc?).

Perhapsh you will find some information here thread709-819033, thread705-941731, faq709-1526.


Thank you for the response. Sorry for not giving more info, thought the subject would say it all...

From thread I took:

dim cmd as adodb.command
dim rs as adodb.recordset
MillSection = "WDUS"
set cmd=new adodb.command
with cmd
  .properties("Jet OLEDB:Stored Query")=true
  .parameters("[Mill Section]") = MillSection
  set rs = .execute
end with
do while not rs.eof
  debug.print "FacilityID=" & rs("FacilityID").value

Which works very well for me. I was actually hoping to solve this without using the parameters in VBA, but it doesn't seem possible.

I dont see how you plan on executing a Query that requires a Parameter to be entered without using the parameters in VBA. Am I loosing my mind or are you hard coding the mill section in the query?

Andy Baldwin

"Testing is the most overlooked programming language on the books!
..I have a form that has three combo boxes (currently 7, 3 and 2 items). The form spills out a maximum of 7x3x2 = 42 excel sheets. The combo's are the parameters of the query. I don't want empty sheets hence the test. I can skip the test of course will work also.

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