I am using CR v7 accessing an AIX/Informix database. My query is that follows:
I have 2 files: event (parent) and tasks (child). Each event is indexed by department and category. Each task as a "completion by date". I need to produce a (cross tab) summary report of outstanding tasks by date range. Therefore I need to compare each task "completion by date" with the (current or parameter) date and summarize totals as follows:
(days) 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
==== ===== ===== ======
Dept1 / Cat1 10 5 2 1
Dept1 / Cat2 8 6 4 2
Dept5 / Cat1 2 1 2
Totals 20 12 8 3
I have come across Aged0to30Days, Aged31to60Days, Aged61to90Days, Over90days, Next30Days, Next31to60Days, Next61to90Days, and Next91to365Days functions but I cannot figure out how to use them in this instance as the 0-30, 31-60, ... columns will be calculated on the fly for every event / task. so (as per my example above) every task will add 1 to the corresponding column (i.e. date range).
I thought I could define variables for every period range and increment when the condition is met. I was also looking into arrays and if I could define two-dimension arrays and load them while crystal reads through the files ....
I just don't know if I am on the right track and if crystal is able to compile the information in such fashion. Maybe I have to write a program of some sort to achieve this...
Any suggestion or crystal examples I could use to bring some light into my dim thoughts??
Thank you very much.
I am using CR v7 accessing an AIX/Informix database. My query is that follows:
I have 2 files: event (parent) and tasks (child). Each event is indexed by department and category. Each task as a "completion by date". I need to produce a (cross tab) summary report of outstanding tasks by date range. Therefore I need to compare each task "completion by date" with the (current or parameter) date and summarize totals as follows:
(days) 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120
==== ===== ===== ======
Dept1 / Cat1 10 5 2 1
Dept1 / Cat2 8 6 4 2
Dept5 / Cat1 2 1 2
Totals 20 12 8 3
I have come across Aged0to30Days, Aged31to60Days, Aged61to90Days, Over90days, Next30Days, Next31to60Days, Next61to90Days, and Next91to365Days functions but I cannot figure out how to use them in this instance as the 0-30, 31-60, ... columns will be calculated on the fly for every event / task. so (as per my example above) every task will add 1 to the corresponding column (i.e. date range).
I thought I could define variables for every period range and increment when the condition is met. I was also looking into arrays and if I could define two-dimension arrays and load them while crystal reads through the files ....
I just don't know if I am on the right track and if crystal is able to compile the information in such fashion. Maybe I have to write a program of some sort to achieve this...
Any suggestion or crystal examples I could use to bring some light into my dim thoughts??
Thank you very much.