We have fingerTec device relating to the above mentioned subject.
Kindly let me know how can I connect with it. I am using the following command.
I have downloaded the FingerTec BioBridge SDK for connecting the above mentioned device using the following code:
We have fingerTec device relating to the above mentioned subject.
Kindly let me know how can I connect with it. I am using the following command.
I have downloaded the FingerTec BioBridge SDK for connecting the above mentioned device using the following code:
Parameters devModel, i, ipAdd, portNo, comm
If Connect_TCPIP(devModel, i, ipAdd, portNo, comm) = 0
MESSAGEBOX("Connection Successfull",16)
MESSAGEBOX("Connection Failed",16)
And, in Connect_TCPIP.Prg, I put the following:
Parameters devModel, i, ipAdd, portNo, comm
devModel = "FaceID2"
i = 6
ipAdd = "192.xxx.xxx.xxx"
portNo = 4370
comm = 0
When running the form gives the error "Operator/Operand type mismatch."
Please guide me, how to connect the device. The Original code from fingertec is as follows:
Connect_TCPIP(string DeviceModel, int DeviceNo, string IpAddress, int PortNo, int
Com mKey)
Connect to a device using TCP/IP protocol.
[Parameter Declaration]
DeviceModel = Device model. (e.g. AC100, AC800. Attn: Please specify the device model
AC100PLUS as ‘AC100+’ and AC800PLUS as ‘AC800+’ string to obtain the work code.)
DeviceNo = Device number. (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
IpAddress = Device IP addresses. (e.g.
PortNo = Port number (default 4370)
CommKey = Communication key for authorised access, refer SetDeviceCommKey()
(default 0)
[Return Value]
Return 0 for success, or –1 for fail.
Dim devModel, i, ipAdd, porNo, comm.
devModel = AC100
i = 1
ipAdd = “”
portNo = 4370
comm = 0
If FingerTec.Connect_TCPIP(devModel, i, ipAdd, portNo, comm) = 0 Then
MsgBox (“Connected”)
MsgBox (“Connection Failed”)
End If