I am sorry for my English!! =(
it is not good =(
I was working on one application in Vb using DB access, but it become so slow. =( I am trying to find the best way to make it faster. I converted the db in access to SQL, and I saw significant changes. However, I have a problem =( .I have some reports in crystal report which used a database in access.
I sometimes needed to change my database and put the backup. In access there was not problem because I only had to set the path of the backup database. However, I don't know how can make it work in SQL.
I took this example but it didn't work. =(
I put these in a Module:
Public MyDataSource As String
Public MyUserID As String
Public MyPassword As String
Public strConnectInformation As String
Getting Ready to Use the Report.
Dim DateParam As String
'Reset Crystal Report Selection Criteria.
CrystalReport1.SelectionFormula = ""
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = ""
'Put Date in Proper Format for Crystal Reports.
DateParam = Format(DateSelected, "yyyy,mm,dd"
'Start Crystal Reports Code.
Call ConnectToCR
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = "DateToReport; DATE(" & DateParam & " ;TRUE"
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = "Q:\Daily.rpt"
CrystalReport1.Destination = 1 'Send to Printer
CrystalReport1.WindowTitle = "Daily Report"
CrystalReport1.Action = 1 ' Run Report
I connect to an SQL Database.
Private Sub ConnectToCR()
MyDataSource = "Name of my DSN"
MyUserID = "USER"
MyPassword = "SQL PASSWORD"
'DataSetQualifier = "Name of Oracle Table" & Chr$(0)
strConnectInformation = "DSN = " & MyDataSource & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "UID = " & MyUserID & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "PWD = " & MyPassword & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "DSQ = " '& DataSetQualifier
CrystalReport1.Connect = strConnectInformation
End Sub
If you know another way to make it work !!
I will appreciate it
Thank you so much and I am sorry for my English !!
I know that it is terrible!!
Thank you,
Gabriela Leal
I am sorry for my English!! =(
it is not good =(
I was working on one application in Vb using DB access, but it become so slow. =( I am trying to find the best way to make it faster. I converted the db in access to SQL, and I saw significant changes. However, I have a problem =( .I have some reports in crystal report which used a database in access.
I sometimes needed to change my database and put the backup. In access there was not problem because I only had to set the path of the backup database. However, I don't know how can make it work in SQL.
I took this example but it didn't work. =(
I put these in a Module:
Public MyDataSource As String
Public MyUserID As String
Public MyPassword As String
Public strConnectInformation As String
Getting Ready to Use the Report.
Dim DateParam As String
'Reset Crystal Report Selection Criteria.
CrystalReport1.SelectionFormula = ""
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = ""
'Put Date in Proper Format for Crystal Reports.
DateParam = Format(DateSelected, "yyyy,mm,dd"
'Start Crystal Reports Code.
Call ConnectToCR
CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0) = "DateToReport; DATE(" & DateParam & " ;TRUE"
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = "Q:\Daily.rpt"
CrystalReport1.Destination = 1 'Send to Printer
CrystalReport1.WindowTitle = "Daily Report"
CrystalReport1.Action = 1 ' Run Report
I connect to an SQL Database.
Private Sub ConnectToCR()
MyDataSource = "Name of my DSN"
MyUserID = "USER"
MyPassword = "SQL PASSWORD"
'DataSetQualifier = "Name of Oracle Table" & Chr$(0)
strConnectInformation = "DSN = " & MyDataSource & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "UID = " & MyUserID & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "PWD = " & MyPassword & ";"
strConnectInformation = strConnectInformation & "DSQ = " '& DataSetQualifier
CrystalReport1.Connect = strConnectInformation
End Sub
If you know another way to make it work !!
I will appreciate it
Thank you so much and I am sorry for my English !!
I know that it is terrible!!
Thank you,
Gabriela Leal