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How to swap voice mailboxes on a Merlin Legend system

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Oct 22, 2004
I'm the default "phone guy" here, but I don't know what I'm doing. An employee moved to a new physical location, but his phone's vm is still linked to the old employee who's no longer here. His is still linked to his old extension.

We have Merlin Legend Mail system, and I've got the WinSPM program up and running, but I have no manuals or anything that tells me how to move his voice mailbox to his new extension. Or if this can even be done through WinSPM?

ANY help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Why don't you just go to the phone system and switch the port where his phone plugged in - to the new office location? All of the programming is really at the port vs. the actual phone.

Tom Daugirdas,
STCG, Inc.
I think I didn't explain myself well, sorry, I'm not the best with phone lingo. An existing employee moved offices, from extension #545 to #134. His old location had an analog phone line wired to it, his new location is a digital line with a digital display phone.

He said he would rather have a new extension with the nicer display phone. So all I'm attempting to do is move his voice mailbox to map to the new extension, #134, off his old extension. Is this possible somewhere? Or did I totally mess things up?

Thanks again!
Why don't you just delete his old voice mail box at his old extension and create a new one for him at his new extension. I assume there is currently no V< box at extension #134. To do so, log in to the messaging system admin mailbox, choose 9 for programming, choose extensions or mail boxes (depending on your version), and follow prompts to delete a mailbox and then to add a mailbox. He would only have to re-record his announcment and put in a password.

Tom Daugirdas,
STCG, Inc.
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