I use VB6 ADO (dataenvironment, commands object)
In my app to maintain data tables I use several control (textbox, datacombo, ect) with set
their datasource and datamember properties properly. On the same datatable maintain form there
are two commandbuttons "post" and "cancel". Id like to update database when the user click on
"post" button, and he could escape from his chages cliclking on "cancel".
My problem is that these controls immediately post its changes when the focus left them. (They
automatically update the phisical database record) so I cant implement my buttons
Can anybody help me?
In my app to maintain data tables I use several control (textbox, datacombo, ect) with set
their datasource and datamember properties properly. On the same datatable maintain form there
are two commandbuttons "post" and "cancel". Id like to update database when the user click on
"post" button, and he could escape from his chages cliclking on "cancel".
My problem is that these controls immediately post its changes when the focus left them. (They
automatically update the phisical database record) so I cant implement my buttons
Can anybody help me?