I am using a cursor in a stored procedure. I am using the "order by" clause in the select, but I am also declaring the fields I want to update in the "For Update of" clause. The Query analizer with SQL server 7.0 gives me the error "cursor is read only" when I run it. The statement is as follows:<br><br>declare curPur CURSOR FOR<br>select itemno,itemqty,itemcost,itemfees<br>from purnet<br>where itemno = @sellin<br>order by [date]<br>For Update of itemqty<br><br>I am deleting the entire record the cursor points to if the quantity of itemqty is less than the quantity sought for. If the quantity of itemqty is more then I subtract the quantity sought for from itemqty and update the record with a new quantity.<br><br>I have tried putting all of the fields from that table into the "select" and "For Update of" clauses, just in case the delete couldn't occur because some of the fields where not specified in the "For Update of" clause.<br><br>Thank You for your help.