We have a report section that filters on two fields, they are only shown if they are a certain string in a field by supressing them if they aren't.
Works great, but we like to head the field with some text when the item does not have that field.
To be more precise in an example: we have a report that shows a personnel card. One of the fields is the passport number, which is just one of the possible records. So we suppres all but passport records.
But some personnel does not have a passport record and suppressing the rest leaves a blank space.
How do we get a dummy text in place? Like:
-- Passport : empty
Is it possible to create a formula in the line of:
IF NOT (previous section = Empty) then suppress
Or any other way? Giving all other peaple a passport record with ampty fields is not an option...
Loek Gijben
We have a report section that filters on two fields, they are only shown if they are a certain string in a field by supressing them if they aren't.
Works great, but we like to head the field with some text when the item does not have that field.
To be more precise in an example: we have a report that shows a personnel card. One of the fields is the passport number, which is just one of the possible records. So we suppres all but passport records.
But some personnel does not have a passport record and suppressing the rest leaves a blank space.
How do we get a dummy text in place? Like:
-- Passport : empty
Is it possible to create a formula in the line of:
IF NOT (previous section = Empty) then suppress
Or any other way? Giving all other peaple a passport record with ampty fields is not an option...
Loek Gijben