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How to Share HD between 2 Unix boxes?

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Jun 21, 2001
Hi guys!
Does anybody know how to Share HD between 2 Unix boxes?
Thank you.
It depends on your hardware and software setup, as well as the platform, as well as (to some extent) what you mean by sharing.

The simplest way is with NFS (networked filesystem). You export the filesystem or directory you want to be shared. this is the system that actually has the disks with the data attached to it. You can specify which systems the directory is available to and whether it is read only or read and write.

On the receiving systems, you import the directory/filesystem you have exported. You specify a mount point on the local system and this is where users on the importing system access the disk.

Check the man pages for nfs (man -k nfs to get a list of topics) to see how your platform implements it. The commands vary by platform, but the basic concepts are the same.

Another way to share a hard disk is with systems that boot off a hard drive that is somewhere on the network. I don't know how that is done. Maybe someone else can help.

And another way to "share" a hard drive is with hardware that allows two systems to be hooked up to the same disks. Generally, you don't want both systems accessing the disks at the same time because of logical volume manager considerations.

Thank you,
I have tryed to mount using NFS
But I'v got error:
[root@dbptor1 linux-2.2.18]# mount -t nfs mci.office.tutticom.com:/dd /home/ftp/pub/
mount: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused

file on mci.office.tutticom.com /etc/hosts.allow contains
nfs: dbptor1.pilot.voxpilot.com

NFS builded in kernel on both Linux RH 6.2 boxes.

What is wrong?
Thank you.
I am not very familiar with Linux. Go to the Linux forum on Tek-Tips and do a search on NFS. There are about 25 threads that are found dealing with NFS. Maybe one of those threads will be able to help you more.

I did have a similar problem with a couple of sun systems. In the end, I think I gave up because I didn't need the NFS mount after all.
for example from linux1 you want to share filesystem /home

On your linux1 box
1. #vi /etc/exports
/home (only /home save close)
2. #exportfs -va (to export /home)
3. #showmount -a (will shows you what is exported)

On linux2 box
You have /home already so you have to mount /home from linux1 as different name forexample home_1
1. #cd /
2. #mkdir home_1
3. #mount linux1:/home /home_1
4. #cd /home_1 (this is your /home from linux1 box)

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