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How to setup 2 Internet acceses in same lan

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Jul 11, 2002
In a SOHO environment I currently have a WAN T1 w/Cisco router w/ Corporate access including Internet, is it possible to add a 2nd router w/ DSL internet access and have the ability to choose which Internet connection to use?. All PC's are running XP Pro.

Would appreciate some help.


I think that the only way this would work would be to select the connection based on IP address.

i.e. Cisco Router's IP address is
DSL Router's address

Then you would change the Default Gateway and DNS Servers of your network connection to reflect the router you wanted to connect to.

That being said i'm no expert in this field and others may have a better solution.

Greg Palmer
Freeware Utilities for Windows Administrators.
It depends on what you want to do...
Greg's answer is probably not going to work as in his example both routers are in different subnets (assuming class C or subnet mask) You would need to change all PC's addresses as well! Unless your first router has an interface to internet and to 192.168.1.x

If you want to "load-balance" you could add router 2 with and set this as default gateway for half your machines (strang setup but will work)

Best solution would be to implement a routing protocol (RIP, IGRP, OSPF ...) this will dynamically adapt routes to new situation (when one router drops connection, the other one will provide route to internet, or other networks)

Again it really depends on what you want to do!

I did a setup like this at an auto dealership where they wanted to go over the existing corporate net via T1 to get to internal servers and go over a new DSL link to get to the general internet. To make things simple, both routers must be on the same local subnet (e.g.,

You have to know the net address space used by the corporate net (e.g. and the subnet mask used by the target corporate network. A static route is then added to each workstation so that requests to the corporate address ranges get directed to the corporate T1 router. In the XP network adapter IP settings, you would use address of the DSL router as your default gateway and use your DSL ISP's DNS server addresses.

To add a static route, go to a command prompt (Start - Run - cmd) and type route which will display the syntax of the command as well as examples. Don't forget to add the -p argument when typing the route command or the static route will disappear when you reboot the machine.

Another potential source of difficulty is DNS. There is a good chance that the DSL ISP's DNS servers will not have entries for internal corporate servers, even if they are not using private addresses.

You can find out these addresses before adding the DSL router by pinging them from a command window (e.g. ping corpserver1.com ) and recording their IP addresses. Don't forget the corporate mail servers.

These can then be added to the hosts file in \windows\system32\drivers\etc - since Notepad has this annoying habit of adding .txt to files that are edited, do this instead:

Start - Run - cmd then type cd\windows\system32\drivers\etc

Then type edit hosts

Add your host entries at the bottom of the file, following the syntax in the examples. Use the tab key to provide the space between the columns. Save the file and exit the Edit program.

In this way, the corporate servers' names will resolve via the hosts file and all internet hosts will resolve using the DSL ISP's DNS servers.
Any clues from this?

How to use 2 Different LAN on a Notebook ?
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