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How to set up Win2003 server as primary domain?

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Dec 12, 2001
We are upgrading our Windows 2000 terminal server to Windows 2003 terminal server and having a major problem.

The old one was our main domain cotroller and was pulled off from the network. Now, we are setting up the new terminal server just a server and having another Windows 2003 server as the domain controller. We thought everything is configured the way as it suppose be. But when using "ping xxx.org" command, it still try to connect the old terminal server IP address. Because of that, no one is able to connect to the network.

If you have any ideas about this issue, please help us.
Thanks a lot.
The old one was our main domain cotroller and was pulled off from the network"

How did you pull it off the network dcpromo /forceremove, or did you just switch it off?

" having another Windows 2003 server as the domain controller"

Is that dc also the dns server?

If yes delete the record of the old dc from the dns server, flush the dns cash on the server (rightclick the servername in the dns console and do clear cash). Then on the new dc do "ipconfig /registerdns" and then ipconfig /flushdns. Then on the client ipconfig /flushdns and you can ping the domain and get answer from the new dc.

Regards lars

Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003
Larsdemo: Thanks for the information. Yes, we are switching the dc and dns server from our old terminal server to another system runing Windows 2003 server. Then simply just unplugged the old dc/dns server.

After many hours spent yesterday, we are now able to ping the new dc ip address. But the problem is when rebooting the dc/dns server the error message come up with eventID: 1054. It is saying that Windows cannot obtain domain controller name for ......

It seems that it is still looking for the old dc name or address first. It looks like this one has been used as the 2nd dc or back up dc. How to correct this? Any ideas?
If the old domaincontroller is "just switched off" you can prepare yourself from a lot more problems than you have now. You can not just pull a first dc from the network this machine is heaving the fsmo roles for your domain and you need them for your domain to function propperly. You need to first seize these roles before you do a dcpromo and chose the option to remove the dc from the domain.
You dont have "2nd dc or back up dc" in server 2003 domain's, there is a multi-master replication in this setup.
You need to switch the old dc on and do as i told you to fix this, first let the dc's replicate and than demote the old dc.

Regards Lars.

Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003
How to seize fsmo roles? I am new in this area. Can you give me more information on this? Could I find the information on the web? Where to start looking?

Another problem we are having is: The new terminal server is not part of the network yet. We have checked the settings over and over, and could not find what is wrong with the system.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Begin turning on the old dc and be shure it gets the ip address it had before, this wil get you out of problems for now. After that let it stay for over the night so it can replicate.
then do this Than on the old dc, witch you wanna demote open a dos prompt and type dcpromo and press enter, chose the option to remove the server from the domain.
To make the term server domain member; richt click "my computer" and do propperties and then go to computernamename tab do change fill in the domain name and press enter fill in the credentials and enter again reboot and the machine is in the domain.
It may be funny to get someone who can help you on this this is not the most easy job to begin with.

Regards lars

Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003
I have checked with our tech guy. He did fsmo part yeaterday according to the instruction from Microsoft.

From the internet, it seems that "global catalog server" is the issue now. As I mentioned earlier, we can ping the dc ip address. However, the result shows domain name unknown. Here is what I got with nslookup command:

C:\Documents and Settings\chen>nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server: UnKnown

Help please!!!!!!!!
If yes delete the record of the old dc from the dns server, flush the dns cash on the server (rightclick the servername in the dns console and do clear cash). Then on the new dc do "ipconfig /registerdns" and then ipconfig /flushdns. Then on the client ipconfig /flushdns and you can ping the domain and get answer from the new dc.

Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003
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