Kindly check if the procedure is correct.
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping authorized-server
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping trust A1
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping vlan 1
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping
1) Do I need to turn off dhcp-snooping option 82?
5400(config)# no dhcp-snooping option 82
2) Under trusted interfaces (step 2), should I include both the uplink and downlink ports?
"It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody.
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping authorized-server
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping trust A1
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping vlan 1
5400(config)# dhcp-snooping
1) Do I need to turn off dhcp-snooping option 82?
5400(config)# no dhcp-snooping option 82
2) Under trusted interfaces (step 2), should I include both the uplink and downlink ports?
"It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody.