The delay in seconds before a call is forwarded to the divert on no answer system wide is in CTIME CP1 NOANSADV (No Answer Advance)
This is a system wide timer and is counted in seconds not rings.
To see the current value: DIS-CTIME:CP1;
To change the current value: CHANGE-CTIME:TYPESWU=CP1,ANSADV=X; (Where X is the time in seconds from 3 to 3600)
The above may not apply to all HiPath 4000 as the timers in the older versions were not split into CP1, CP2 etc.
To change a divert on no reply time individually per extension then that is in ACTDA
ADD-ACTDA:TYPE=STN,STNO=xxxx,FEATCD=VARRING,RNGTIME=z; Where z is ringtime 0 to 60 seconds.
This individual ring time only works on newer versions of software.
OK - just to confirm - to cancel the Individual Timer then -
Phone will revert to the overall system timer.
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