I would like to add some code prompt the user (in a window similar to an inputbox) to select either "round", "circle", or "square". When the user presses "OK", the choice is assigned to the variable profile_type.
Currently I have following code attached to a command button in Excel:
Private Sub CommandButton_save_profile_Click()
saved_name = InputBox("Please enter name"
profile_type = ??????
Sheet1.Range("A1" = saved_name
Sheet1.Range("B1" = profile_type
End Sub
Any ideas?
Currently I have following code attached to a command button in Excel:
Private Sub CommandButton_save_profile_Click()
saved_name = InputBox("Please enter name"
profile_type = ??????
Sheet1.Range("A1" = saved_name
Sheet1.Range("B1" = profile_type
End Sub
Any ideas?