I am trying to save a report in snapshot mode and attached
it to an email. The first piece of code works and picks
up the correct snapshot report.
The second piece of code works but the snapshot report it
picks up is always based on the the first ECN in the
database. What I am wanting it to be is the snapshot report
based on the ECN that is currently selected. I need it
to work with the second piece of code because that is
the email code we are using throughout the database. Can
someone tell me what I need to do to get the second piece
of code to pick up the correct snapshot report based on
whatever ECN that is currently selected?
it to an email. The first piece of code works and picks
up the correct snapshot report.
The second piece of code works but the snapshot report it
picks up is always based on the the first ECN in the
database. What I am wanting it to be is the snapshot report
based on the ECN that is currently selected. I need it
to work with the second piece of code because that is
the email code we are using throughout the database. Can
someone tell me what I need to do to get the second piece
of code to pick up the correct snapshot report based on
whatever ECN that is currently selected?
On Error GoTo Err_EmailEcn_Click
'Checks for empty field value, it not empty then proceeds
If Not cboECNLookup.Value = "" Then
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "ECNBCNVIPrpt-2"
If InStr(UserGroups(), "admingrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
ElseIf InStr(UserGroups(), "entrygrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, "Snapshot Format"
Else: MsgBox "Please select an ECN Number from the drop down list on the left."
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_EmailEcn_Click
If Not Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!cboECNLookup.Value = "" Then
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "ECNBCNVIPrpt-2"
If InStr(UserGroups(), "admingrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
ElseIf InStr(UserGroups(), "entrygrp") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "ECNBCNVIPrpt-2", "Snapshot Format", "ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp", , "C:\my documents\ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp", True
Dim O As Outlook.Application
Dim m As Outlook.MailItem
Dim toEmail1 As String
Dim toEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail1 As String
Dim ccEmail2 As String
Dim ccEmail3 As String
Dim bccEmail1 As String
Dim SL As String, DL As String
SL = vbNewLine
DL = SL & SL
Set O = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set m = Outlook.CreateItem(0)
Dim X
Dim Y
toEmail1 = ""
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Engineering Distribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormEngMETbl", "EngME='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![MastDistribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormMastEngTbl", "MastEng='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![FabDistribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormFabEngTbl", "FabEng='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![PaintDistribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormPaintEngTbl", "PaintMe='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Quality Distribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormQAEngTbl", "QAEng='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
For Each X In Split(Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![MasterSchedulerDistribution] & "", vbCrLf)
If Trim(X & "") > "" Then
Y = DLookup("LoginName", "FormMasterSchedulerTbl", "MasterSchedulers='" & X & "'")
If Trim(Y & "") > "" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & Y & "@nmhg.com;"
End If
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Materials Distribution] = "Kim Dees" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "abkdees@nmhg.com;"
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Finance Distribution] = "Shirley Combs" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "abscombs@nmhg.com;"
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Sped Distribution] = "Jim Taylor" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "abjtaylo@nmhg.com;"
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Production Scheduling Distribution] = "Kimberly Kulhavy" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "abkkulhy@nmhg.com;"
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Service Engineering Distribution] = "Mark Hume" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "abmhume@nmhg.com;"
End If
If Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![ISA Distribution] = "FYI" Then
toEmail1 = toEmail1 & "kelley.johnson@sdi.com;"
End If
ccEmail1 = "abkkulhy@nmhg.com"
ccEmail2 = "abkkulhy@nmhg.com"
ccEmail3 = ""
bccEmail1 = "abajacks@nmhg.com"
m.To = toEmail1
m.CC = ""
m.BCC = bccEmail1
m.Subject = "ECN # " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm![ECN Number].Value & "; This ECN is ready to be worked"
m.Body = "This ECN is Ready to be worked." & DL & _
"Form # " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm![ECNBCNVIP ID].Value & DL & _
"ECN # " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm![ECN Number].Value & DL & _
"ECN Description: " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![ECN Description].Value & DL & _
"Comments: " & Forms!ECNBCNVIPfrm!ECNDetailfrm![Comments].Value & DL & _
"Thank you for your help" & DL & _
DLookup("ActualName", "ChangeFormUserNameTbl", "LoginName='" & GetCurrentUserName() & "'") & SL & _
"ECN Analyst"
m.Attachments.Add "c:\my documents\ECNBCNVIPrpt.snp"
On Error GoTo Err_CloseForm_Click
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PopupEcn3"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CloseForm_Click
End If