How to see if a program is open from a different program? What I need to know is: when I open program 1 it will check to see if program 2 is open, if program 2 is not open then program 1 will open program 2. The idea I have in mind is to keep a person from closing a program and keeping it closed by using the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys. If the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys are used to close Program 2 then Program 1 (which is running in the background) will reopen Program 2. Or I need to know how to keep a person form using the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys to close Program 2 in the first place.
Progarm 1 and Program 2 are .exe files.
I have looked at a lot of Win32 API functions (which have no examples) and have not found anything that will work for me. I need good examples!
Thak You.
Progarm 1 and Program 2 are .exe files.
I have looked at a lot of Win32 API functions (which have no examples) and have not found anything that will work for me. I need good examples!
Thak You.