hi all,
iam new to cognos on unix,can anybody tell me how to write a script to build cubes on aix and actually where to execute it.
help would be appreciated
thank you
Your transformer models would be on the AIX box with the models I presume, the Unix command to build transformer is in the documentation, but here is a sample...
where: {usage} = list the parameters pass on the script
a = the name of the Application
m = model name of MDL
p = model name of PYI
Example steps:
Log on to the App server as “Your User” user using puTTy or other utility
cd /apps/home/cognos/shared/scripts directory -- the directory where scripts are held
Type the following command:
./CubeBuild.sh –a SAMPLE –m CubeName
./CubeDeploy.sh –a SAMPLE –p Robtest
A notification will then be sent out to a designated Cognos Administrator of a successful or failed cube build.
The cube build can be scheduled via “cron” or ideally via “Schedule Management technology” such as IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler or BMC Control-M for dependency from an event processes such as Datawarehouse update.
There will be cube build script for every individual Application/ Business and Models.
Below is an example of a script:
#! /usr/bin/ksh
cd /apps/home/cognos-bi/shared/scripts
./CubeBuild.sh –a Sample –m CubeName
#! /usr/bin/ksh
cd /apps/home/cognos-bi/shared/scripts
./CubeBuild.sh –a Sample –p cubeName
Hope this helps - you will also need to use a Cube Swap script to avoid copying cubes to Enterprise Server over a locked /open cube
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