I have inside network several Nortel devices (Baystacks, Passports etc). I tried to configure Radius solution there.
On Baystacks is working fine, but with the same secret, port, server, on Passports its not working. I checked radius logs and there is OK - my login is able to get authentication but on Passport (example 8006) - into logs is authentication failed. I have below error message :WARNING Code=0x1ff0009 Task=tShell Blocked unauthorized cli access"
Could you please help me ? Any idea what can be wrong ? How can i fix it ?
I have inside network several Nortel devices (Baystacks, Passports etc). I tried to configure Radius solution there.
On Baystacks is working fine, but with the same secret, port, server, on Passports its not working. I checked radius logs and there is OK - my login is able to get authentication but on Passport (example 8006) - into logs is authentication failed. I have below error message :WARNING Code=0x1ff0009 Task=tShell Blocked unauthorized cli access"
Could you please help me ? Any idea what can be wrong ? How can i fix it ?