-----Running AIX diag
AIX diag is a useful tool that can help analyzing HW problems.
Here are some examples of how it can be used.
The following error in errpt can be HW or SW oriented.
We can use diag in order to eliminate the HW issue with a motherboard:
- Diagnosing the errlog
Run: diag -> Diagnostics routines -> Problem determination
This selection tests the system and analyzes the error log if one is available.
The output may be:
------------------------------------------------------------------------A PROBLEM WAS DETECTED ON Tue Jun 19 12:59:09 WET 2001 801014
The Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause(s)
(causes are listed in descending order of probability):
A03-150: I/O Expansion Bus Connection Failure.
Error log information:
Sequence number: 30
n/a FRU: n/a P2
n/a FRU: n/a 1
n/a FRU: n/a P1
n/a FRU: n/a P1
------------------------------------------------------------------------This would normally mean a HW motherboard problem.
- Running diag via smit
We can further run a physical motherboard diag:
Run: diag -> Diagnostics routines -> System verification ->choose resource
This selection runs the system HW diag on the selected resources :
sysplanar0 00-00 System Planar
oppanel 00-00 Operator panel
mem0 00-00 Memory
proc0 00-00 Processor
L2cache0 00-00 L2 Cache
proc2 00-02 Processor.
And more…
- Running manual command
diag -d sysplanar0
TESTING COMPLETE on Mon Jul 16 10:49:40 WET 2001 801010
No trouble was found.
The resources tested were:
- sysplanar0 00-00 System Planar "Long live king Moshiach !"
The message is most likely coming from an application, because in 7 years of working with AIX from 3.2.5 to 5.1, I have never seen a message like that from the operating system. Not to say that it couldn't, but it is highly unlikely that it is.
I am probably remembering the one stuck in crontab when you have a different issue... wish I remembered what that was. Either psu or ssa failure, it's been so long. *shrug* IBM Certified -- AIX 4.3 Obfuscation
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