i have local packages on my sql-server 2000 and want to run them from within access but i seem to run into some trouble.
Is their anybody out there that has done this already? and how?
I tried this (not the exact code
docmd.runsql "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ('dtsrun /Sserver /Npackage /E')"
and this
Dim oPKG As New DTS.Package
oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer "MyServer", , , _
DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , "MyPackage"
Set oPKG = Nothing
thanks in advance for any help "What a wonderfull world" - Louis armstrong
Is their anybody out there that has done this already? and how?
I tried this (not the exact code
docmd.runsql "EXEC master..xp_cmdshell ('dtsrun /Sserver /Npackage /E')"
and this
Dim oPKG As New DTS.Package
oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer "MyServer", , , _
DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , "MyPackage"
Set oPKG = Nothing
thanks in advance for any help "What a wonderfull world" - Louis armstrong