I tried to install multiple security patches by creating a batch file per the KB articles I have read and re-read, and my batch file looks exactly like the examples.
But when I open a command window and navigate to the folder containing my 'Update.bat' file, and then type "Update," I get a message that this is not a recognizable command, or that "Windows" is not a recognizable command, or something.
All of the exec paths in the batch file contain strings like
Are spaces not allowed in the path in this case? Or is there some other problem?
Anyone got a simple explanation for how to get from the batch file to the installed security patches?
Do I have to unpack all of the files from the downloaded exec files first?
I tried to install multiple security patches by creating a batch file per the KB articles I have read and re-read, and my batch file looks exactly like the examples.
But when I open a command window and navigate to the folder containing my 'Update.bat' file, and then type "Update," I get a message that this is not a recognizable command, or that "Windows" is not a recognizable command, or something.
All of the exec paths in the batch file contain strings like
D:\MyFolder\Windows Update\Step 5\blah, blah.exe
Are spaces not allowed in the path in this case? Or is there some other problem?
Anyone got a simple explanation for how to get from the batch file to the installed security patches?
Do I have to unpack all of the files from the downloaded exec files first?