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how to return stash data in JSON format

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Aug 4, 2006
currently I need to return one of my stashed data in JSON format, I know I can use Catalyst::View::JSON, but I am not sure how to use this module in my app. Can anyone give me a hand: Here is the my code for stashing data:
package myApp::Controller::Admin::Category;

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON::Syck;

use base qw( myApp::Base::Controller );

use Data::FormValidator::Constraints::HTTP qw( POST );
use Encode qw( _utf8_off );

sub auto : Private {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    if ( my $category = $c->req->snippets->[ 0 ] ) {
        $c->stash->{ category }
            = $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->find( $category );

    $c->stash->{ categories } = $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->search(
        { parent => undef, lang => $c->language },
        {   page => $c->req->param( 'page' ) || 1,
            rows => 10,
            order_by => 'title'

    $self->prepare_form( $c );
    return 1;

sub prepare_form {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $form = $c->stash->{ form }
        = $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->validator_profile(
        {   required           => [ qw( method title ) ],
            filters            => [ qw( trim ) ],
            constraint_methods => { method => POST, },

    $c->form( $form );

sub root : Chained('/') PathPart('admin/category') CaptureArgs(1) {
    my ( $self, $c, $category ) = @_;

    if (    $category
        and $c->stash->{ category }
        = $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->find( $category ) )
        $c->detach( 'update' );

sub create : Chained('/') PathPart('admin/category/create') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    $c->req->param( method => $c->req->method );

    if ( $c->form->success ) {
        $c->form->valid( lang => $c->language );
        $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->create( $c->form );
        $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/create.tt';
    else {
        $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/form.tt';

sub view : Chained( '/' ) PathPart( 'admin/category/index' ) Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/index.tt';


sub update : Chained('root') PathPart('update') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $category = $c->stash->{ category };

    if ( $c->req->param( 'delete' ) ) {
            $c->uri_for( '/admin/category', $category->id, 'delete' ) );

    if ( $c->req->param( 'cancel' ) ) {
        $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( '/admin/category' ) );

    if ( $c->form->success ) {
        $c->form->valid( lang => $c->language );
        $c->model( 'Links::Category' )->create( $c->form );
        $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/update/success.tt';
    else {
        $c->req->params( { $category->get_columns, %{ $c->req->params }, } );

sub delete : Chained('root') PathPart('delete') Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $category = $c->stash->{ category };

    if ( lc $c->req->method eq 'post' ) {

        eval {

                message => "File Not Found" )
                if not $category->category_id;

        if ( $c->stash->{ error } = $@ ) {
            $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/delete/failure.tt';
        else {
            $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/delete/success.tt';
    else {
        $c->stash->{ template } = 'admin/category/delete.tt';

$c->stash->{categories} in sub auto is the data I want to return in JSON format. Also after I return the data, I wanna the path as url in my AJAX call, what path do i need to give out? Thanks
anyone can give me a hand on this? Thank you
I can honestly say I have no clue :) but I just want you to know your not being ignored.
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