I'm new to tcl.
I need to call oracle stored procedure that has two inputs and two outputs. I know how to retrieve result set, but I'm not sure how to retrieve two outputs with tcl. I tried:
set theQuery "{call storedProcedureName($Input1, $Input2, ?, ?)}"
set theQuery [list [list $theQuery]]
set returnCode [responderRequest -group "odbcConnector" -destination "odbcConnector" -dataType "DS" -data $theQuery -timeOut 100000 -rDataType "DS" -rData QueryResult]
This gives me error: wrong # of args.
I need to call oracle stored procedure that has two inputs and two outputs. I know how to retrieve result set, but I'm not sure how to retrieve two outputs with tcl. I tried:
set theQuery "{call storedProcedureName($Input1, $Input2, ?, ?)}"
set theQuery [list [list $theQuery]]
set returnCode [responderRequest -group "odbcConnector" -destination "odbcConnector" -dataType "DS" -data $theQuery -timeOut 100000 -rDataType "DS" -rData QueryResult]
This gives me error: wrong # of args.