Hi Everyone
Im programming in Visual Basic 6, Access 2000 and Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition.
I have a table which contains a field called "fechaenvio" (date/time) and I need to know how to retrieve (using the Crystal Reports selectionformulas), all records whose value of the field "fechaenvio" is blank. (or empty)
Example :
reporte.ReportFileName = "\\host\folder\report.rpt"
reporte.SelectionFormula = "{table.fechaenvio}= ' ' " (do not work)
reporte.DiscardSavedData = True
reporte.Destination = crptToWindow
reporte.WindowState = crptMaximized
reporte.Action = 1
Fernando Andrade
Santiago Chile
Im programming in Visual Basic 6, Access 2000 and Crystal Reports 8.5 Developer Edition.
I have a table which contains a field called "fechaenvio" (date/time) and I need to know how to retrieve (using the Crystal Reports selectionformulas), all records whose value of the field "fechaenvio" is blank. (or empty)
Example :
reporte.ReportFileName = "\\host\folder\report.rpt"
reporte.SelectionFormula = "{table.fechaenvio}= ' ' " (do not work)
reporte.DiscardSavedData = True
reporte.Destination = crptToWindow
reporte.WindowState = crptMaximized
reporte.Action = 1
Fernando Andrade
Santiago Chile