i have an hta app that uses vbscript. when a link is clicked, it sends data. here's the code:
this link calls test.htm with the data: full_name
how do i retrieve full_name in test.hta? i know how this is done in asp (using request.querystring). but when i code this in hta, it throws an error (request - object required)
any ideas how i can retrieve data being passed two hta's?
i have an hta app that uses vbscript. when a link is clicked, it sends data. here's the code:
"<a href=" & chr(34) & "test.hta?unit_id=" & _
"&row=1" & chr(34) & ">" & full_name
how do i retrieve full_name in test.hta? i know how this is done in asp (using request.querystring). but when i code this in hta, it throws an error (request - object required)
any ideas how i can retrieve data being passed two hta's?