The directory file (dir.edb) for my Exchange server (ver 5.5, with SP 3) has been corrupted. I've tried to use a previous backup copy but I get an error code of 1276 when I tried to start the Information store service, although I was able to start the Directory service successfully. I've also tried to use "isinteg -patch" to sync the priv.edb and the dir.edb but errors occur. Any ideas?
The directory file (dir.edb) for my Exchange server (ver 5.5, with SP 3) has been corrupted. I've tried to use a previous backup copy but I get an error code of 1276 when I tried to start the Information store service, although I was able to start the Directory service successfully. I've also tried to use "isinteg -patch" to sync the priv.edb and the dir.edb but errors occur. Any ideas?