I was wondering how could we resize, like decrease the breadth or length etc. of let's say one person in a picture of two? Please throw some light on it, i will be hihgly indebted.
quite difficult - especially if the picture is sharp & maybe contains hair, etc.
basically you need to localise the area of interest - probably through cutting it out with the path tool. then turn that path into a selecton (by command+clicking on the path) and then transforming that area. you might want to expirement with the feathering tool a bit also - to disguise the adjustment
duncdude, thanks a lot, let me elaborate my question, let's say there are two people in the pic, one of them is really broad or tall and i just want to resize him/her to be less broad or tall, how can i do that? please explain in a layman's language, thanks anyway though
If the background is such that it will not be obvious it has been squeezed a bit, then try selecting the half of the pic with the big guy in it. Do selection / feather and use something like 20 or 30 pixels. Now try Edit / Copy and Edit / Paste. then do Edit / Transform / Scale (I think). Select the box that appears in the middle on the right or the left, depending on which is the edge of the photo and drag it in a bit and you should see the person shrink a bit.
Assuming it still looks OK, Flatten the layers and crop the image to where you can see the superfluous edge
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