I want to close an app running on an external Windows98 unattended workstation by remote control.
This is so I can update the .exe by remote control.
I seem to remember some code some years ago that enumerated the task list but cant find it.
Windows 98 doesn't seem to have a task list like Xp so would it work in 98 anyway?.
I have the worktation visible on VNC remote desktop OK but VNC's CTRL ALT DEL feature doesn't work to Win98 for some reason.
Alternately if I could have a small app on the remote machine that I could start by VNC to sendkeys CTRL ALT DEL, I could stop the app with it's own Close Program dialog box but sendkeys doesn't send ACTL ALT DEL either!
Any ideas?
This is so I can update the .exe by remote control.
I seem to remember some code some years ago that enumerated the task list but cant find it.
Windows 98 doesn't seem to have a task list like Xp so would it work in 98 anyway?.
I have the worktation visible on VNC remote desktop OK but VNC's CTRL ALT DEL feature doesn't work to Win98 for some reason.
Alternately if I could have a small app on the remote machine that I could start by VNC to sendkeys CTRL ALT DEL, I could stop the app with it's own Close Program dialog box but sendkeys doesn't send ACTL ALT DEL either!
Any ideas?