I've got Win2K server and an ADSL connection with a PPoE protocol. Every 7 days i'm disconnected, and i don't find any software that could automaticaly reconnect the server.
Some works, when the connection program is killed but when there's a failure, the connection is closed but not the progtram so the reconnection software don't run.
I was wondering if any of you knew how to make a script under Win2k to kill a process or the reconnect th modem.
thanks for your help
I've got Win2K server and an ADSL connection with a PPoE protocol. Every 7 days i'm disconnected, and i don't find any software that could automaticaly reconnect the server.
Some works, when the connection program is killed but when there's a failure, the connection is closed but not the progtram so the reconnection software don't run.
I was wondering if any of you knew how to make a script under Win2k to kill a process or the reconnect th modem.
thanks for your help