Hi all . I wonder how i can write a php code that recives post request from vb6 with data and writes that data to mysql databas.I be happy if an expert show me how.Thanks
If the information is sent via normal http post request, then you can simply reference the variable by doing [tt]$_POST['variablename'][/tt]. From then on it is a simple php script of connecting to the database and running an insert query.
Where do you need help? If the VB program sends POST-method data, then the PHP script should be no different than if a POST-method form were submitted to your script.
Thank u guys for reply. Well i actually have problem in vb6 part i do not know how i can send some input data to php script!! I was thinking that php is acting diffrently in reciving data from vb6 but now i do not know how i can send it to php from with in my vb6 form .So i be happy if some one show me how. The data is inputed from a vb6 text box and i want to send it to php.Thanks
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