I need help on a script I'm doing. I need to read a textfile named fexit.txt with sample records:
I need to check if all excode is equal to 0.
If not all excode is 0 then go to sleep for 60 seconds and go through the file again until ALL excode is equal to 0. If not all excode is equal to 0, then error message.
Need your help. I know I need to use grep. Your help is greatly appreciated.
job excode
1 0
2 8
3 0
4 12
obj typ sze
temp tab 8,854,555
test tab 12,222,840,111
I need to check if all excode is equal to 0.
If not all excode is 0 then go to sleep for 60 seconds and go through the file again until ALL excode is equal to 0. If not all excode is equal to 0, then error message.
Need your help. I know I need to use grep. Your help is greatly appreciated.