queue phone bandwidth 1.43Mb priority 6
[ pkts: 33208953 bytes: 4675995778 dropped pkts: 26 bytes: 18000 ]
[ qlength: 0/ 50 borrows: 0 suspends: 1627 ]
[ measured: 9.2 packets/s, 4.95Kb/s ]
queue def bandwidth 712.50Kb cbq( red borrow default )
[ pkts: 53222027 bytes: 17645534939 dropped pkts: 47935 bytes: 57482264 ]
[ qlength: 0/ 50 borrows: 11690753 suspends: 0 ]
[ measured: 58.7 packets/s, 35.30Kb/s ]
This is from a 'pfctl -v -s queue' command.
How am to read the "bytes" listing and the "pkts" listing?
[ pkts: 33208953 bytes: 4675995778 dropped pkts: 26 bytes: 18000 ]
[ qlength: 0/ 50 borrows: 0 suspends: 1627 ]
[ measured: 9.2 packets/s, 4.95Kb/s ]
queue def bandwidth 712.50Kb cbq( red borrow default )
[ pkts: 53222027 bytes: 17645534939 dropped pkts: 47935 bytes: 57482264 ]
[ qlength: 0/ 50 borrows: 11690753 suspends: 0 ]
[ measured: 58.7 packets/s, 35.30Kb/s ]
This is from a 'pfctl -v -s queue' command.
How am to read the "bytes" listing and the "pkts" listing?