On IE6, when you press the F11 key, the interface is changed to a lonely top bar and all title bar, status bar and so on are hidden displaying the page "almost fullscreen". Does anyone knows how I can obtain the same by script on loading of the page.
More infos :
- I don't want to use kiosk mode ("iexplore -k" in commandline) because my html app is a kind of "runner portal" that runs many VBS and as so is displayed all day. Kiosk mode doesn't allow iconizing so users can't reach their desktop icons.
- I know a way but find it too complex : openning my html page from another one with a window.open().
- I also tried a VBS that instanciate the "iexplore.application" then sets its properties to what I want.
So, if someone gets a scripting solution for my problem, I'll bless him(her) and his(her) familly for thousands generations ;-) Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
More infos :
- I don't want to use kiosk mode ("iexplore -k" in commandline) because my html app is a kind of "runner portal" that runs many VBS and as so is displayed all day. Kiosk mode doesn't allow iconizing so users can't reach their desktop icons.
- I know a way but find it too complex : openning my html page from another one with a window.open().
- I also tried a VBS that instanciate the "iexplore.application" then sets its properties to what I want.
So, if someone gets a scripting solution for my problem, I'll bless him(her) and his(her) familly for thousands generations ;-) Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)