I have script which does backup for files. Is there way to put progress bar showing currently backing up files from total or % indicator ? I am not looking fancy, just show backup is running and how many left out of total.
I have following peice of code , don't how to modify as per u
If bDestinationExists = 0 then
oFileSource.Copy strDestinationfolderpath & "\" & oFileSource.Name
numcopied = numcopied + 1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
numerrored = numerrored + 1
'Write to log
addtolog strLogFile,"Unable to copy this file : " & strSourcefolderpath & "\" & oFileSource.Name
End if
End If
Set SA=CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set NS=SA.NameSpace(destdir)
NS.CopyHere srcfile,16
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