I'm trying to put together a script that needs to transmit some reserved symbols. Specifically "" and ~
Whenever I try to put these directly into the script, I get a reserved word error.
transmit "~something"
and (for whatever reason) I need to be able to transmit ""
transmit """" doesn't work... the compile doesn't like it, haha.
I paged through the help and couldn't find the solution to my problem. Any suggestions? (sorry, I'm sure this is really basic... but when you teach this stuff to yourself...)
Brian, Customer Research Inc
Whenever I try to put these directly into the script, I get a reserved word error.
transmit "~something"
and (for whatever reason) I need to be able to transmit ""
transmit """" doesn't work... the compile doesn't like it, haha.
I paged through the help and couldn't find the solution to my problem. Any suggestions? (sorry, I'm sure this is really basic... but when you teach this stuff to yourself...)
Brian, Customer Research Inc