mst messages are stored in /var/log/ecs/2017-09xx.log files
There are 1000 201x-xxxx.log files that are each 1MB. mst messages
are but a small part of these files.
With the trace analyzer turned on, you can decode and store
into files on the server.
Below - 2017 August 25 00:01 to 2017 Sept 01 12:00 will be decoded.
from Linux command line:
sudo logc -t 20170825:0001-20170901:1200 --view mta | less
(Redirect output to file)
sudo logc -t 20170825:0001-20170901:1200 --view mta > /var/home/ftp/pub/mst_trace_4th_week_august.txt
vi /var/home/ftp/pub/mst_trace_4th_week_august.txt
cd /var/home/ftp/pub;tar cvfz trace.tar.gz mst_trace_4th_week_august.txt
The new file trace.tar.gz is compressed to about 9% size of the txt file which makes it smaller to copy off the server.
tar xBfz trace.tar.gz will decompress and unzip back to original txt
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