I have a database with a memo containing textRTF from a RichTextBox. I want to know how to print the contents in a report... i want to add it in an existing report made with vfp report editor.
but you are right it does not seem to print more than one page
Also when i try to print directly from memo it does not work... it says it must be a general field... i dont know general fields type it's the first time i use these. According to that example it seems i will have to copy memo field contents into a .rtf file then append the file content into another field of general type then print the report sounds strange to me, it must have a better way to do it!
What you should do is create a cursor (not a table), with all the fields that you need for the report, plus a field of type General.
Then, use the APPEND GENERAL command to place your RTF file into the General field. If your RTF is in a memo field rather than a file, you will have to save it as a temporary file first.
I know it sounds complicated, but the reason is that the RTF control (in the report) is not a native VFP control, and knows nothing about VFP memo fields.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
I've nothing against the TX text control, but it seems like a drastic solution. It's a very big control, with a high overhead; it's complicated to use; and it's expensive.
If it's the only way of achieving what Paco wants, then so be it. But if this was me, I'd rather find a simpler solution.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
agreed the text control is drastic - i just mentioned it for completeness (but it may be more appropriate if there is a large document generating component to paco's project).
I just emailed Bo Durban (the developer of Moxie) to let him know the download link is not working... perhaps if you told us a little more about your project we could suggest other options.
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