- Dec 25, 2011
- 1
Actually I want is when I mark checkbox [Print all] and click Print button then all data from datagrid will print out the barcode label,i want is how to loop and print all data from datagrid like my output barcode format accordingly.
I need my project urgently, thank you.
Your help is much appreciated.
below is my output barcode format:
Actually I want is when I mark checkbox [Print all] and click Print button then all data from datagrid will print out the barcode label,i want is how to loop and print all data from datagrid like my output barcode format accordingly.
I need my project urgently, thank you.
Private Sub Print1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
If COM1.Value = True Then
MSComm1.CommPort = 1
COM1.Value = False
LPT1.Value = True
End If
If LPT1.Value = False Then
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
If MSComm1.DSRHolding = False Then
MsgBox "Printer Not Ready", vbCritical, "Error"
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If MsgBox(" Are you sure to print", vbOKCancel, "Print") = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
qtty = Format$(Val(qtytxt.Text), "0000")
If LPT1.Value = True Then
End If
End Sub
Public Sub LabelFormat()
Printer.Print "{D0391,0919,0360|}"
Printer.Print "{C|}"
Printer.Print "{D0391,0919,0360|}"
Printer.Print "{AX;+000,+000,+00|}"
Printer.Print "{AY;+00,0|}"
Printer.Print "{PC000;0007,0144,15,20,K,00,B|}"
Printer.Print "{RC00;" & Text1.Text & "|}"
Printer.Print "{XB00;0030,0190,A,3,03,0,0149,+0000000000,000,0,00|}"
Printer.Print "{RB00;>5>8>6" & Text1.Text & "|}"
Printer.Print "{XB01;0706,0035,A,3,02,0,0142,+0000000000,000,0,00|}"
Printer.Print "{RB01;>5>8>6" & Text2.Text & "|}"
Printer.Print "{PC001;0718,0320,10,20,K,00,B|}"
Printer.Print "{RC01;" & Text2.Text & "|}"
Printer.Print "{XS;I," & qtty & ",0002C6200|}"
End Sub
below is my output barcode format: