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How to populate a textbox with a a href onclick event 1

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Feb 9, 2007

I have a function which shows and hides an org tree. For every person I click on, i take the empid of the person and store it in a string. As I show, I add the person's empid to the string. As I hide, I remove the person's empid from the string. Within the function, how can I can populate a hidden textbox with the string above mentioned. I do not see the function populating the hidden box which is now visible.

javascript function is:

function s_Hide(el){
	elID = 'UI_'+el;
	obj = document.getElementById(elID).style;
	(obj.display == 'none')? obj.display = 'block' : obj.display = 'none';
	//Need to store the current state on a cookie - old comment
	//Need to store the current state in a string in a text field.
	var uniqueStr = '&' + el + '&'
	//var uniqueStr = '&' + elID + '&'
	var openedItems = "" //Added 2/9/07
	if (obj.display == 'block')
	  // add it to the string openedItems
	  alert("Add '" + uniqueStr + "'");
	  openedItems = openedItems.concat(uniqueStr);
	  // remove it from the string openedItems
	  alert("Remove '" + uniqueStr + "'");
	  openedItems = openedItems.replace(uniqueStr, '');
	alert('s_hide - LastAlert:'+openedItems);

	//Store the openedItems info in the hState hidden text box.
	document.commissions.hState.value = openedItems;

My HTML hidden box is:

<input type="text" name="hState" value="">

The tree in HTML is:
<ul id="menu">
								<input type="radio" checked ="checked" value="22979" name="empid" onClick="showReports(this.value)">
								<a href="#" class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('22979'); return false;">Reinhard Nagel</a>&nbsp;
								<font size=1>(22979)</font>
								<ul id="UI_22979" style="display: none">

							<input type="radio" value="8208" name="empid" onClick="showReports(this.value)">
							<a href="#" class="a_style" [b]onclick="s_Hide('8208'); return false;"[/b]>Patrick Cox</a>&nbsp;
							<font size=1>(8208)</font>
		             		<ul id="UI_8208" style="display: none">

							<input type="radio" value="40801" name="empid" onClick="showReports(this.value)">
							Manuel Abad Ibanez&nbsp;
							<font size=1>(40801)</font>
As this is written right now, you are resetting the value of the hidden textbox field everytime completely because of what I have highlighted below:

function s_Hide(el){
    elID = 'UI_'+el;
    obj = document.getElementById(elID).style;
    (obj.display == 'none')? obj.display = 'block' : obj.display = 'none';
    //Need to store the current state on a cookie - old comment
    //Need to store the current state in a string in a text field.
    var uniqueStr = '&' + el + '&'
    //var uniqueStr = '&' + elID + '&'
    [!]var openedItems = "" //Added 2/9/07[/!]
    if (obj.display == 'block')
      // add it to the string openedItems
      alert("Add '" + uniqueStr + "'");
      openedItems = openedItems.concat(uniqueStr);
      // remove it from the string openedItems
      alert("Remove '" + uniqueStr + "'");
      openedItems = openedItems.replace(uniqueStr, '');
    alert('s_hide - LastAlert:'+openedItems);

    //Store the openedItems info in the hState hidden text box.
   [!]document.commissions.hState.value = openedItems;[/!]
You need to grab the current value in the textbox each time the function is called like this:

var openedItems = document.commissions.hState.value ;

Just change that one line (var openedItems = "" ) to the above code and this should work.


But on load of the page, there is nothing in the textbox because I have not yet clicked on the tree.

When I do the above, I get an error:

document.commissions.hState is null or not an object

I think it is easier for you reproduce the error if I give the HTML code. Here is it.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">[/URL]

<style type="text/css">
* {

* {
   border: 0;
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;

#menu {
#menu li {

#menu ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 6px;
list-style-type: none;

<Script type="text/JavaScript" >

This Function validates that the users select the required
parameters to view the crystal reports
function ValidateData(f) {

	// Check to make sure Reporting Period is selected.
	if (f.period.value == "Select") {
		alert("Select a Reporting Period");
		return false;

	//Check to make sure a report is selected.
	// validate myradiobuttons
	myOption = -1;
	for (i=f.crystalradio.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
		if (f.crystalradio[i].checked) {
			myOption = i;
	if (myOption == -1) {
	alert("You must select a report to view");
	return false;

	//Populate hidden textbox with Period
	var jPeriod = f.period.value;
	f.hPeriod.value = jPeriod;

	//Populate hidden textbox with EmpID radio button value
	for (i=f.empid.length-1; i>-1; i--)
		if (f.empid[i].checked)
			f.hEmpID.value = f.empid[i].value;

	//Populate hidden textbox with Crystal Report value
	for (i=f.crystalradio.length-1;i>-1;i--)
		if (f.crystalradio[i].checked)
			f.hCrystalRadio.value = f.crystalradio[i].value;

	//Populate hidden textbox with openItems which has the string built by the s_Hide(el) function


Function to expand and collapse the Hierarchial tree

function s_Hide(el){
	elID = 'UI_'+el;
	obj = document.getElementById(elID).style;
	(obj.display == 'none')? obj.display = 'block' : obj.display = 'none';
	//Need to store the current state in a string in a text field.
	var uniqueStr = '&' + el + '&'
	//var uniqueStr = '&' + elID + '&'
	var openedItems = document.commissions.hState.value ; //Added 2/9/07
	if (obj.display == 'block')
	  // add it to the string openedItems
	  alert("Add '" + uniqueStr + "'");
	  openedItems = openedItems.concat(uniqueStr);
	  // remove it from the string openedItems
	  alert("Remove '" + uniqueStr + "'");
	  openedItems = openedItems.replace(uniqueStr, '');
	alert('s_hide - LastAlert:'+openedItems);

	//Store the openedItems info in the hState hidden text box.
	document.commissions.hState.value = openedItems;

//This function takes the openItems string stored in the textbox hState
//which is the holder of the state information.

function do_onload()
	if (document.commission.hState.value != "")
		alert(document.commission.hState.value); //returns a blank text box
		alert("No value is hState textbox");

	if (document.commission.hState.value != "")
		alert("Here b4 '" + openedItems + "'");
		var displayItems = openItems.split("&");
		for (i=0; i<displayItems.length; i++)
			if(displayItems[i].lenght != 0)
				//Set the value to 'block'
				elID = 'UI_'+displayItems[i];
				obj = document.getElementById(elID).style;
				obj.display = 'block'


//savestate function which stores the openedItems information
function saveState()
	var info = document.commission.hState.value;


//On unload of this window, call the savestate so that the value of opened employees
//are stored before we lose them
window.onunload = saveState
window.onload = do_onload

<TITLE>View Commissions Reports</TITLE>


<!-- This is the top most level which holds all the content divs -->
<div class="div_Container">

	<form name="commission" method="POST" action="ViewReports7.asp" onSubmit="">
	<input type="text" name="hState" value="" bgcolor="yellow">

	<ul id="menu">
								<input type="radio" checked ="checked" value="22979" name="empid" onClick="">
								<a href="#" class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('22979'); return false;">Top Most Manager</a>&nbsp;
								<font size=1>(22979)</font>
								<ul id="UI_22979" style="display: none">

							<input type="radio" value="8208" name="empid" onClick="">
							<a href="#" class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('8208'); return false;">Manager1</a>&nbsp;
							<font size=1>(8208)</font>
		             		<ul id="UI_8208" style="display: none">

							<input type="radio" value="40801" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(40801)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="8089" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(8089)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="8218" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(8218)</font>


							<input type="radio" value="28391" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(28391)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="9006" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(9006)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="8073" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(8073)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="40343" name="empid" onClick="">
							<a href="#" class="a_style" onclick="s_Hide('40343'); return false;">Manager2</a>&nbsp;
							<font size=1>(40343)</font>
		             		<ul id="UI_40343" style="display: none">

							<input type="radio" value="41543" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(41543)</font>

							<input type="radio" value="40798" name="empid" onClick="">
							<font size=1>(40798)</font>



	<center><input type="submit" value="Request Reports" class="btn"></center>




Am I referring to the hState textbox in a wrong way because error says that it is either null or not an object...

In haste, i had sent the code. It was indeed a typo error. The form name, I was referring to was wrong. Now I do not get that error.
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