if isNUll({?ADDITIONAL_WORKERS})=true then {?ADDITIONAL_WORKERS} = 0 else
What I am trying to do is... in the prompt if the user or system finds no Additional workers then it will still return the default data of the person or what values is listed. As now if there is no data it will not return any data and make the section invisible. As this system is new... there is a lot of data quality issues, sometimes it can also be the system converted spaces [which we cannot see] as a value but we will not know . suggestions to above?
What I am trying to do is... in the prompt if the user or system finds no Additional workers then it will still return the default data of the person or what values is listed. As now if there is no data it will not return any data and make the section invisible. As this system is new... there is a lot of data quality issues, sometimes it can also be the system converted spaces [which we cannot see] as a value but we will not know . suggestions to above?