Does anyone know how to automatically paste the contents of the Windows Clipboard into the body of an Outlook email item?
In my app, I've got a feature that allows users to generate graphs based on some historical data they've selected. Then I've got a "Send Graph" button, that when the user clicks it, VFP will copy the graph to the windows clipboard, instantiate an Outlook mail item, paste the contents of the clipboard (the graph) into the Body of the email item, then display the email item so the users can add text or whatever. I've got everything but the actual pasting figured out (copying the graph, firing up Outlook, and creating the email item).
I just want to do something like:
loO = createobject('outlook.application')
loM = loO.createitem(0)
I know both Word and Excel have the PasteSpecial method, does Outlook have an equivalent, or does anyone know of a work-around?
Thanks for any and all advice!
In my app, I've got a feature that allows users to generate graphs based on some historical data they've selected. Then I've got a "Send Graph" button, that when the user clicks it, VFP will copy the graph to the windows clipboard, instantiate an Outlook mail item, paste the contents of the clipboard (the graph) into the Body of the email item, then display the email item so the users can add text or whatever. I've got everything but the actual pasting figured out (copying the graph, firing up Outlook, and creating the email item).
I just want to do something like:
loO = createobject('outlook.application')
loM = loO.createitem(0)
I know both Word and Excel have the PasteSpecial method, does Outlook have an equivalent, or does anyone know of a work-around?
Thanks for any and all advice!